Coinfeeds Daily → Major Cryptocurrency Exchange Poloniex Hacked, $114 Million Stolen

Major Cryptocurrency Exchange Poloniex Hacked, $114 Million Stolen

Published: Nov 11, 2023 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane
A visualization of chaotic digital patterns, akin to disrupted data streams or fragmented code, to symbolize the hacking.
Image: A visualization of chaotic digital patterns, akin to disrupted data streams or fragmented code, to symbolize the hacking.

Poloniex breach raises concerns about exchange security and highlights the need for robust measures to protect user funds

In a significant breach of security, Poloniex, a major cryptocurrency exchange, has been hacked. The attackers reportedly stole over $114 million, making it the second-largest cryptocurrency hack of 2023. The incident has raised concerns about the security measures in place at cryptocurrency exchanges and the potential vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

Details of the Poloniex Hack

The hackers targeted Poloniex's hot wallets, which are online storage systems for cryptocurrencies. They managed to siphon off over 4900 ETH (Ethereum), distributing the stolen funds across multiple accomplice wallets. The timing of the attack was strategic, coinciding with a market pump to maximize liquidity. The attack was discovered by security firms PeckShield and Cyvers, who flagged a potential exploit. Despite the confirmation of the hack, the attackers continued to drain the wallets until they were completely empty.

Impact on Users and Poloniex's Response

While user funds were not directly affected, Poloniex has advised its users to consider moving their coins to another exchange or hardware wallet as a precautionary measure. The identity of the attackers remains unknown, but their wallets have been marked on the blockchain, making it easier to track any movement of the stolen funds.

In response to the hack, Poloniex has offered a 5% white hat bounty for the return of the stolen funds. If the funds are not returned within a week, the exchange has warned that it will take legal action. Poloniex investor Justin Sun confirmed the hack and announced that the exchange is investigating the incident and will fully reimburse the affected funds.

Lessons from the Hack

The Poloniex hack serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with cryptocurrency exchanges. It underscores the importance of robust security measures and the need for users to be vigilant about where and how they store their cryptocurrencies. The incident also highlights the role of blockchain technology in tracking stolen funds and the potential for white hat hackers to assist in recovering stolen assets.

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