Coinfeeds Daily → Inferno Drainer Shuts Down After Helping Steal $70M

Inferno Drainer Shuts Down After Helping Steal $70M

Published: Nov 27, 2023 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane

Notorious crypto phishing service ceases operations, leaving a trail of $70M in theft.

The Rise and Fall of Inferno Drainer

In the shadowy corners of the cryptocurrency world, a notorious name has recently announced its departure. Inferno Drainer, a service infamous for enabling phishing scammers to siphon off nearly $70 million in crypto, has declared that it's shutting down. This wallet-draining kit, which has been a tool for hire, facilitated the theft of vast sums from unsuspecting victims. The announcement came via Telegram, where the team behind Inferno Drainer assured that their infrastructure would remain active for a while to ensure a smooth transition for their users to other services.

The Impact of Crypto Wallet Drainers

Inferno Drainer's operation was not a small-scale endeavor. It rose to prominence in the aftermath of another similar service, Monkey Drainer, ceasing its activities. Throughout its operation, Inferno Drainer has affected over 100,000 victims, with the stolen amount nearing the $70 million mark. The service operated by creating phishing websites that mimicked legitimate crypto services, deceiving users into revealing their wallet details, which were then exploited to drain their funds.

The Closure Announcement

The closure of Inferno Drainer was communicated with a certain level of sardonic pride. The hackers behind the service thanked their collaborators and boasted about the amount they managed to drain, which they claimed was over $80 million. This figure not only highlights the scale of their operation but also the significant threat that such services pose to the security of cryptocurrency assets.

Security Takeaways for the Crypto Community

The shutdown of Inferno Drainer, while a positive development, does not signal the end of threats in the crypto space. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of practicing basic operational security (opsec). Users are advised to be vigilant when interacting with unknown services and to double-check URLs and the legitimacy of websites before entering sensitive information. The cryptocurrency community must remain aware that the disappearance of one malicious service doesn't eliminate the risk of others taking its place.

Moreover, the Inferno Drainer team's warning about not trusting other drainers using its name suggests that the threat of phishing and crypto theft is an ongoing issue. Users should continue to educate themselves on the best practices for safeguarding their digital assets, such as using hardware wallets and enabling multi-factor authentication wherever possible.

In conclusion, while the closure of Inferno Drainer marks the end of one chapter in the ongoing battle against crypto theft, it's a battle that continues. Vigilance and education remain the best defenses for individuals in the cryptocurrency community to protect themselves against similar threats in the future.

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