Coinfeeds Daily → BTC's Luke Dashjr: '24 Bitcoin Core Update Will Disrupt Ordinals, BRC-20

BTC's Luke Dashjr: '24 Bitcoin Core Update Will Disrupt Ordinals, BRC-20

Published: Dec 10, 2023 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane
A disruptive update to Bitcoin Core, featuring a dynamic digital landscape with a glowing core and fragmented digital elements.
Image: A disruptive update to Bitcoin Core, featuring a dynamic digital landscape with a glowing core and fragmented digital elements.

Developer Luke Dashjr identifies a critical vulnerability, prompting a major software overhaul to enhance Bitcoin's blockchain integrity.

Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, is set to undergo a significant update in 2024 that could reshape how certain applications operate on its blockchain. Luke Dashjr, a prominent Bitcoin Core developer, has highlighted a vulnerability in the current Bitcoin Core software that has been allowing ordinals and BRC-20 tokens to 'exceed data limits and potentially spam' the blockchain. This vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-50428, is on the radar to be addressed in the next major update.

Understanding the Vulnerability

Ordinals and BRC-20 tokens represent innovative uses of the Bitcoin blockchain. Ordinals, in particular, enable the inscription of data onto individual satoshis, Bitcoin's smallest unit, effectively turning them into unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, the exploitation of a loophole in the current software has allowed these applications to bypass established data limits, raising concerns about blockchain integrity and efficiency.

Implications of the 2024 Update

Dashjr's proposed solution in the upcoming 2024 Bitcoin Core update aims to close this loophole. By doing so, the update will disrupt the current functionality of ordinals and BRC-20 tokens, which rely on the ability to bypass these limits. The change is expected to preserve the blockchain's integrity by preventing unnecessary spam and ensuring that data storage remains within manageable limits.

Decentralization and Flexibility

Charlie Shrem, a well-known figure in the Bitcoin community, has pointed out the decentralized nature of Bitcoin. This characteristic allows for a multitude of versions and implementations of Bitcoin Core to coexist. While the 2024 update may address the vulnerability in one version, other versions or forks of Bitcoin Core could potentially continue to support ordinals and BRC-20 tokens in their current form, fostering ongoing innovation and adaptation within the ecosystem.

Takeaways for Bitcoin Users and Developers

For users and developers invested in the Bitcoin space, the upcoming update serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of blockchain technology. Those utilizing ordinals and BRC-20 tokens should prepare for the changes that will come with the 2024 update. It is also an opportunity for the community to engage in discussions about the balance between innovation and the need to maintain a secure, efficient blockchain network.

As the update approaches, staying informed and involved in the development process will be crucial for all stakeholders in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The resolution of CVE-2023-50428 will likely be a significant step in the ongoing evolution of Bitcoin, demonstrating the community's commitment to addressing challenges and ensuring the long-term viability of the blockchain.

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